Sunday, September 27, 2009

a turn of the card will never be accepted as final

a turn of the card
will never be accepted

as final
not while other decks

can be produced
and the room never closes

and night never

closing in after lunch
dying of hydraulic overhauls

riding rails without tomorrow
every heavy elephant laughs

delivering seven sisters tambourines
after eddie nodded negatively

don't expect youthful exuberance
truthful predictions verify instantly

many friends expect sympathy
graciously understanding murderous impulses

overlooking terrible intentions absolutely
observing annual returns carefully

blind neanderthals blink hesitatingly
if you like this

i got a million more just like it
everybody likes stories

but they know exactly
what stories they like

so a turn of the card
will never be accepted as final


Mariana Soffer said...

Good poem, good thoughts.

Made me reflect for myself, that you have to wawtch out, once you turn the card it is uncertain what is going to happen the next instant,once you turn the card there is no going back.

human being said...

ah... yes!

"not while other decks
can be produced"

and i thought for a long time about the other decks that can be produced...

thought-provoking poem...

also thanks for that little story on my blog... liked it a lot...

bring no dangers
they are just
some friendly changers...


Harlequin said...

I liked " I got a million more just like it" and the nuance within the tendency to choose convenient stories...
thought-provoking indeed.